We spent the Labor Day weekend visiting with my parents in Mandeville. We all had a great time- as you can imagine especially the grandparents! Austin did fabulous on his first airplane trip and was a good sport the entire weekend- He certainly got lots of spoiling from his grammy and grampy! My mom had a party on saturday to celebrate my dad's birthday, and my parents were nice enough to watch Austin while John and I spent a night at the Beau Rivage for our anniversary. Thank you, Thank you!! We also got to see our friends Cali & Jim and Amanda & her husband Kelly came down from Jackson. We miss everyone and can't wait to see you again! Here's some pics from the trip.......
Just a few pics of what obviously goes on at the grandparents house when mom and dad leave for the night!
Aunt Mandy and our sleeping boy wiped out from partying too hard :)
Austin and his proud grandparents!
Austin in his new pj's- Geaux Saints!
I had to add this one of my dad with Austin.....This was the morning after we had left Austin with them for the night. Taking care of babies is hard work- doesn't my dad look wiped out??!!
Me and John, my sister Amanda, Cali and Jim, and Amanda and Kelly
14 years ago
He is too, too cute! We have almost the same wedding anniversary -- 9/13/03. Happy Anniversary!
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