Austin will be 10 weeks old tomorrow- I can't believe it! We went last Thursday back to the doctor for his 2 month visit and several vaccinations. He did great- much better than mom was with her fear of needles! He cried a few seconds when they stuck him and that was it- no fussiness or anything the rest of the day and that night, just a lot of sleeping. John and I couldn't believe it- I guess I was expecting the worst.....Austin weighed in at almost 15 pounds and was 25 1/2 inches long! He was in the 95th percentile for his age in both- what a chunky boy!!
We have been getting out and doing lots more things with Austin these days- except it is just SO hot here in Florida! Sunday we did take him out to the beach early for a nice breakfast and he did great- he slept most of our meal. We are getting ready this week for our first big trip with him for labor day weekend next week to see my parents in New Orleans....John, Austin and I along with my sister will be making the 1 1/2 hour flight and we are very interested to see how this goes! Austin can't wait to see his Grammy and Grampy again and meet everyone at home!
Our big boy! Don't you just want to squeeze him??!!!!
Look at these cheeks! Are you convinced he weighs in at 15 pounds or what??!!
Austin in these cute little plaid overalls his Grandmother Ogles sent to him!
Dad and Austin after our breakfast at the beach Sunday morning.....
Austin having some tummy time on his boppy pillow.
Just had to add this pic of Bailey since he seemed to be posing for the camera!
14 years ago
What a cute big boy. We wish we could be there for your visit to LA. Enjoy!!!!!!
He already looks so different in just 2 weeks! Wow. Glad to hear the doctor's visit went well. Would love to see you guys again soon.
He is REALLY cute, Alyson!
Alyson...I'm glad we found you! Little Austin looks like a champ...what a precious boy. Hope we can all get togehter soon.
John and Alyson,
He is absolutely edible!! I wouldn't be able to stop kissing those cheeks.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Leah and Ricky
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