We are back into the swing of things and hope everyone had a wonderful holiday....My parents came down this year for a week and a half and we had a great visit with them and Asutin really enjoyed having Grammy and Grampy here for Christmas. I have quite a few pictures from their visit so here it goes......
All Austin's loot on Christmas morning before he tore into it....
NOt a great pic, but the only one i have of all three of us.....
These were jammies my mom found him and they were very fitting for the holiday- between john and i, my sister and my parents, austin got PLENTY of new toys!
Love this pic- holding on tight to that new guitar!
Jumping on the trampoline with cousin gabi....we spent Christmas at my Aunt Sherrie's house. She mad a delicious dinner and we had a great time hanging out at their house.
Shooting hoops with dad and gabi.....
14 years ago
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