We are back to blogging FINALLY! We have no excuse except that we have a 5 month old......that's right Austin is almost 5 months old and weighing in now at just over 17 pounds! I have decided to stay at home with him full time and he sure does keep me busy! This is no easy job I will tell you, but he is constantly changing and it is rewarding watching him grow :) Just a little bit of what has been going on lately: austin is now sitting in his bumbo chair and highchair, he has been eating rice cereal for about 2 weeks now, we've taken him swimming and he loves it, and we had a nice visit with my mom/grammy a couple weeks ago.
What a cute beach boy! We took this pic one morning before a stroll through some botanical gardens near us - by some strange coincidence austin fell asleep as soon as we got there???.....
I'm just a Saints fan lounging in my hammock......
Austin playing with his grammy- they had lots of fun together!
Austin's first try sitting in the big boy highchair we got him- he seems to like it most days.
Austin hanging out in his bumbo chair.....
As you can tell, Austin was SOOOOO excited LSU beat the Gators!
14 years ago
He is getting so BIG... and so CUTE. I love the smile. My how much they change so quickly. Hope you guys are doing well.
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