We can't believe that the little fella is 2 weeks old already! He is doing great, and continues to grow, & be a joy to me & Aly. Amazing the subtle changes that you see in that amount of time already. Here are some updated pictures from the last few days.
Austin loves to be proped up so he can see what's going on.
Chillin on the sofa with Mom.
Dad's favorite outfit.
Checking himself out in the mirror. This is one of his favorite activities right now.
Growing boy!
Bathtime with Mom.
Extreme mohawk close up!
Chris's wife Katia holding Austin. Thank you both for the great outfits!
Our friend Chris meeting Austin.
Dad, Mom & Aunt Amanda.
14 years ago
He is so cute. Aly, you look great!
What a good looking family (Aunt Mandy,too). He has changed since we left - we miss him already!!
Austin sure does know how to rock a mohawk! He is so cool!
Sure do wish I could be there in person to see my GREAT-NEWPHEW!! I miss you guys!!!!
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