Here's Austin all set for his first real halloween- he dressed up as a rays player this year!
All of us before we went out for trick or treating....
Aunt Mandy the cowgirl and Austin.....
Austin and I made halloween cookies this year and this pic just about shows how it all went- a big mess and lots of licking the bowl!
Dad and Austin carving our pumpkins....
Austin feeling those pumpkin guts!
Austin and Bailey gave up on the carving very quickly and this is what we found the doing....
John's finished products.
Squash hunting at the pumpkin patch....
He found the perfect one....
Checking out all the pumpkins.....
The perfect little pumpkin!
These were just some halloween pics I made Austin take so I could make the grandparents this not the perfect "i didn't do it" face??
14 years ago
He is cuter every time I see him. I love the Halloween pictures of him in his skeleton shirt. Such a grown up face!
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