This past weekend we went to Austin's first birthday party for our friends Chris and Katia's son Tyler's second birthday. It was at a really nice playground in their neighborhood and Austin had a great time swinging on the swing and going down the slide and most of all, watching the other kids. We also have to say happy second birthday to Cali and Jim's son, Luke!
Luke and Tyler when they were just babies at the beach!
All the kids with the cake- that's tyler in the red in front of the cake.
Trying out the airplane with dad....
Swinging with mom......
The three of us enjoying the birthday party at the park!
This is Austin's newest favorite thing to do in our bedroom when we are not looking- empty our drawers for us!
Um, how did this happen? John caught this picture of Austin the other day....needless to say he is motoring ALL around!
Austin's cute little valentine outfit from his grammy.
14 years ago
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