Here's out little Tiger, ooops I mean Phil, at the driving range last weekend. He is now telling us he wants his own REAL golf clubs WITH a golf bag for his birthday, AND he wants to go back to the driving range/batting cages for his birthday! This boy is definately headed for the pro athlete life :) It's a littlw scary what this child can watch someone do and turn right around and mimic! So here's some shots and a video of his swing to make his granddad proud! Hitting balls with dad....
Homerun hits!
Friday, April 23, 2010
This is for Granddad....
Posted by johnaly at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Pony Ride...........
Here's Austin riding the pony at the Easter Celebration at his fears here, he just jumped right on! Sorry for it being sideways- I'm figuring out this video thing!
Posted by johnaly at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
February NOLA trip...........
Austin and I had a fun trip to grammy and grampy's in February.....cold but FUN!
Storyland at city park. Never knew this was here and really recommend it- Austin had a great time!
Austin and Grammy!
Loved this picture of him in front of the pond with the oaks and a little view of the homes in the back.
With the gator!
Austin wore his granparents out doing this each day- playing lots of sports!
Grammy's helper....
My new lightning mcqueen shirt from grammy!
Good baths each night in grammy's tub :)
Posted by johnaly at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
So here we go.....January & February!
Our little saints fan diving into his football cupcakes!
Happy Saints fans!
Making valentines for daddy.....
Eating heart shaped pancakes Valentines Day morning.
Austin (and mommy's) first trip to the state fair! Rides, tractors, ponies, pig races and all!
Posted by johnaly at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
What Have We Been Up To??
Well, January, February and March seem to have already flown by us! We were busy celebrating the Saints big win, taking a trip to NOLA and spending lots of time with Grammy and Grampy, seeing my parent's oldest and bestest friends from Minnesota in Longboat Key, taking a trip to the state fair, a couple trips to the zoo, celebrating my birthday with a Harry Connick concert with my awesome husband, a couple trips to the zoo.......... and WHEW! that's enough! And now it is Easter and we are finally getting our usual summer weather here. I will post some new pics of all the happenings over the next day or two......
Posted by johnaly at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Christmas at the Zoo...
Little elf and daddy....
Real reindeer! Austin loved seeing these guys- they were pretty neat, I don't think I'd ever see a REAL reindeer before either!
On the merry go round.....
Mommy and the little elf.....
An actual, real good family picture...with the snowman's head kinda cut off :)
Mr. Man and Santa!
Posted by johnaly at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Christmas Xtras......
Couple of random pics from a meetup with Santa at our library, and Christmas playdays with our mom's group at the beach..........
Posted by johnaly at 4:34 PM 0 comments
My husband says I am going to jinx the Saints by claiming in my earlier post that we are already planning our super bowl party for the saints......ok, so I'm taking that back- we just hope they beat the vikings!!!!! GEAUX SAINTS!
Posted by johnaly at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Better Late Than Never!
Going to try to catch up on posting my pics from December and the holidays.....some christmas photos I actually got to take of Austin at the beach!
Posted by johnaly at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Geaux Saints!
Needless to say, we were so excited to see the Saints beat the Cardinals last weekend and we are planning for a Super Bowl party here! Austin's favorite new thing to run around saying is "WHO DAT?!". And for some reason when we were watching the game with him the name "SHOCKEY" appealed to him, so that's his favorite player now (minus Tim Tebow of course) and he loves to say it with much enthusiasm! Grammy got us some saints gear for Christmas so hears Austin sporting it all.........
Posted by johnaly at 12:07 PM 0 comments
And We're Back......Happy Birthday Daddy!!
After a crazy holiday season, we are back and just celebrated John's thirtysomething-ish birthday this past weekend. We had a really good day for a really great daddy :) Minus some rain that spoiled some steak grilling! Austin kept telling John really sweetly the whole day, "happy birthday dada!" We spent the morning playing putt putt and hitting balls at the batting cages and the driving range, watched the Saints whip the Cardinals, and then had a special dinner and cake at home. Perfect day for dad- We love you!
Austin in the batting cages- you know he insisted on doing this even though John and I were sure he was going to get knocked out by one of these balls! They had a slow pitch softball cage and he actually really got the hang of it and hit some balls with his own tball bat he brought along.
Showing off my helmet...........
This picture is for Granddad....He really loved hitting golf balls with dad on the driving range- he kept saying he was "whacking it!" They even gave him a real driver just his size to use. He will definately be taking his granddad back to this place when they come again for a visit :)
Helping dad blow out the candles on his cake- with my pants missing!
My big helper helping me bake daddy a banana birthday cake!
Like father like son, see below.........
Posted by johnaly at 11:43 AM 0 comments